Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Updating The Calendar

The INCH calendar is easily accessible from's main menu and contains upcoming (and past) field trips, gatherings, and other special events. Board members and administrators can now view and edit the calendar, from their online accounts!

Log in to your account, and choose Administration > Calendar, from the menu at the top. The current month's calendar will be displayed. You will notice that it looks a little different from the one on the public website, but both utilize the same data. Use the buttons and links at the top to navigate by month or year. Click on an event to view its details. To add a new event, click the Add Event button, at the bottom of the calendar page.

Most of the fields are self-explanatory, but the Details field can be resized in some browsers, to make it easier for you to type longer blocks of text. Just drag on the bottom-right corner. This field also allows you to use HTML to spruce up text or include links to pertinent websites or e-mail addresses. Even if you are unfamiliar with HTML, I think you will find it pretty easy to use. The main thing to remember is that an HTML tag is wrapped in angle brackets, and almost every tag must be have a matching end tag, which uses a forward-slash. Here are some examples of common HTML formatting that you may find useful:

You can make any text italicized, by wrapping in the <i> tag: <i>italicized</i>.

Similarly, you can underline or bold text, with the <u> and <b> tags: <u>underline</u> <b>bold</b>.

Or, you can do any combination of all three: <u><b>any</b></u> <i><u>combination</u></i> <b><u><i>of all three</i></u></b>.

To make a link, use the <a> tag, which specifies the web address with the href property. The text the user sees is terminated by the </a> tag. For example, to point users to, use: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. The target property is used here to force the browser to create a new window, so you don't lose your place.

You can also make links to people's e-mail addresses, though keep in mind that non-members can see them, too. For instance, if you want folks to e-mail the INCH webservant, use <a href="">INCH webservant</a>. Depending on how the visitor's browser is set up, if they click on the e-mail link, it will typically bring up a new e-mail window, using their default e-mail program.

You can get a whole lot fancier with HTML, so if you have any questions, let me know!

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